Sunday, September 24, 2017

Family Time in NYC, Pittsburgh and NJ

Lots of family time in September! Jessica, Chris and Viv came to visit and we met up at Victorian Gardens for a group play date with the Adames. It was so fun, I never knew there was a little amusement park in Central Park. The things you discover once you have a child. 

Our attempt at group photo at Benihana.
Riding the roller coaster.

We're ready for our 9 hour train ride to Pittsburgh! The day started even earlier with a bus ride to Port Authority, then one subway stop to Penn Station. We made it though, with some Dunkin Donuts to share on the train. I brought plenty of "new" items like play-doh set, sticker book, iPad with games and downloaded VBS videos. He did really well and enjoyed all the things we did, but by the 6th hour I was pooped, I can only play with play-doh for so long.

He even took a nice nap on the train!

We went to the snack car for some cheese pizza + pepperoni and crackers. It's what I have to do when they only have cheese pizza.

Enjoying VBS songs on his iPad and new headphones

Scared of the deer sticking its head out for food
Feeding deer

The goats were all full and had enough of carrots for the day

After the zoo we went to Chic-fil-A for lunch.

Home school with James
It's cute to see them play well together.

Cuddling with YiMa

It's so nice that the kids just play by themselves

Eating ice cream together
Nathan got the other 2 boys into the VBS song, Hello Again too! They would sing it everywhere over and over again.

Cuddle time with Ah-Yi before we head to the train station

Riding train with Pao Pao

Snuggle time before bed

At Legoland

Date with mom - went out to a nice lunch at one of my favorite places and then did some shopping in the area. Neither one of us gets the opportunity to shop these days, so it was a real blessing to do it together.

Pao Pao has so much patience doing puzzles with Nathan, I think he improved a lot during the time she was visiting.

Thanks for coming to stay with us, Pao Pao. See you next time! 

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