Tuesday, September 5, 2017

2 Years and 11 Months - Summer Outings

One day I suddenly noticed that Nathan was speaking in full sentences. It's amazing how fast they go from 2-3 words at a time to speaking sentences! The human brain at this age is brilliant!

Trying on VBS prop for Roman soldier
Singing VBS song. https://youtu.be/_FJ5N8qfGZo
He didn't show any interest in the songs during VBS, but loved singing them everywhere else. 

Playing with Jie Jie's at our annual lake front church service

Getting ready to go on the speed boat. It was REALLY fast!

At the carousel, again.

Riding our neighbor's bike

Watering the plants with our neighbor

Celebrating Leo's birthday together

At sports class, Nathan was the only one who could do the balance beam by himself, he didn't want my help at all!

At a local farm feeding animals

Mommy and son date at Dunkin Donuts, where he discovered his love for their hash browns, just like Mommy

We still let him nap in our bed because he's so cute and cuddly.

Nathan building magnet tiles. https://youtu.be/JuoiyfWVTlQ

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