Wednesday, October 4, 2017

I'm 3 years old!

For Nathan's 3rd birthday, I asked him what he wanted to do. He said he wanted to go to Van Saun Park and eat fries. I love how kids enjoy the simple things in life at this age. So we spent the morning at the park riding / watching the train, rode the carousel, went to the playground and then stopped by McDonalds to pick up chicken nuggets and fries for lunch. Then we celebrated over the weekend with family and he got to open all of his presents. 

At his big boy well visit. He was so calm and well behaved, super proud of him. This is the first time that they had him stand for measuring height instead of lying down. He also stood on a real scale and got his blood pressure taken for the first time. He is 37" (39th percentile) and 26 lbs 16 oz (7th percentile).

Opening presents

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