Friday, August 4, 2017

2 Years and 10 Months - Chen Reunion Bushkill PA

Lots of fun outings this month! We had our Chen reunion in PA, where we went to the pool, frolicked in the meadows, played with bubbles, built a fire and mined for gems. Nathan really enjoys the Kidville sports class for 2 and 3 year olds. It's very creative and incorporates music, coordination and cooperation in a fun way. I got a Groupon deal for a few trial classes because it's just too pricey to do long-term. We also discovered Catch Air which is a huge indoor playground. Even I enjoy going down the long slide and playing in the ball pit.

When we would do home school "puzzles" together, sometimes I'd get frustrated because I feel like Nathan isn't trying or is not getting something that I think is very simple. He would see that I'm frustrated and say, "Mama, happy?" Then I'd feel bad and remind myself that I need to be more patient. It's kind of sweet that he gets upset when I'm not happy, but it's also a bit annoying when he's the cause and keeps asking, "Mama, happy?" until I say that I'm happy.

Nathan is really into helping with the groceries. He won't let anyone touch the bags after we bring them upstairs.

He loves Daddy's milk tea from Taipei Noodle House!

I like how all the other kids are running around having fun and Nathan is "stuck", LOL.

Cousins playing well together. James is so good at sharing.

He is so happy in this class. I am super proud of him.

He found the word hibachi really hilarious.

Long slide at Catch Air.

This is Nathan's favorite play area at Catch Air.

We finally got some birds coming to eat seeds!

We went to a BBQ with small kiddie pool and he was exhausted after we left. But he really wanted to keep eating Doritos, so the ensuing fight against sleep was hilarious.

I really tried to not give in to his request of bubble gun, but he always wants to play with the neighbor's, so I finally got him one. And of course, he still wants to play with the neighbor's when they are out in the yard. Then ours broke a couple weeks later. These things are not made to last.

Someone invited us to their town pool. It was really nice! Nathan didn't want to "swim", he just liked playing with the water (like he would at home in the bath tub).

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