Tuesday, July 4, 2017

2 Years and 9 Months - SLEEEEEEP!!!!

This past month, we reached new milestones! Nathan now falls asleep on his own, in his own room, and doesn't get up until 7am! After he stayed overnight at his grandparents' one day, I found out that he can sleep through the night in his own room there. So I thought maybe the reason he runs into our bed during the middle of the night is because he wakes up and sees us. I decided to set up twin mattresses on the floor of his room (my office) and voila! he really slept through the night. I couldn't believe it at first and it took my body at least a week to adjust to not waking up during the night. It felt so nice to wake up to Nathan calling me, "Mama! It's green!" and realize how much continuous sleep I got. (I bought him a clock that turns green when it's time to wake up, and he actually keeps himself entertained until it turns green. Awesome invention.) Because he doesn't wake up during the night now, he also naturally stopped asking for nie-nie. Not that he was asking for it often anyway, but after sleeping in his own room, he was completed weaned.

We also started the home school curriculum kit that I bought from Timberdoodle. It's nice to have some structure to the things I teach him, and it helps me to see what he "gets" and what he doesn't. Sometimes I forget that he's not even 3 and get frustrated when he doesn't understand patterns or how to do an age appropriate puzzle. But at other times I am astonished at how quickly he learns new words or how he remembers minute details of the shows that he watches. For example, he's seen 40 episodes of Umi Zoomi and each episode has a "guest" character who needs help. Five minutes into an episode, Nathan tells me "Michael" and I'm like, our neighbor? Then five seconds later, the show says "It's Michael!" That's crazy memory!

Nathan will now eat a few more items - potatoes mixed with rice, pepperoni pizza, blueberries, muffins and cupcakes with chocolate in them, fried chicken (mostly breading), milk tea

Play area at the mall. "Rides" are $1.00 each these days!

Holding hands with Josiah guh-guh

On our first hike together

Nathan loves to paint

Sprinkler play area at the park

Watching a bunny at the park

First time riding on his own on the carousel

Nathan and the two younger boys at our annual BBQ
Playing well with the dee-dee's - https://youtu.be/_mRG7pgYSFw

As usual he is very curious and loving towards the baby

Ready for the summer heat!

"I'm so excited for my homeschool kit!" Actually I was probably more excited than he was. 

My favorite outfit on him

First time at mini-golf. He used two hands for the first hole, then just one hand for the next couple.

Then he just threw the ball in the hole after that.

After the 6th hole, the boys started running around so we called it a day and ordered some fries.

First time on the train with daddy
He loves doing "science" as part of this homeschool curriculum
LOL. We met Daniel Tiger. Nathan's reaction when he first saw Daniel, "So tall!" 
He was very hesitant about going up to give Daniel a hug even though wanted to. He asked me to hold his hand and go with him, but I encouraged him to go by himself and told him that I'll wait for him to come back. He got up the courage to do it! 

He loves milk tea! Takes after Jackson. When he asks for it, he says "Milk Teaf", not sure why he adds an "f" at the end.

Smiles after nap time - https://youtu.be/2Jpu4i581Hk

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