Sunday, June 4, 2017

2 Years and 8 Months - Potty Training

After several weeks of getting nosebleeds almost every other day, I decided to take Nathan to the ENT again to get checked out. Sure enough, he had the same bacterial infection as last time, and after a week of antibiotics the nosebleeds stopped, thank God.

Between his nose and bad coughs at night from being sick, I've had a difficult time getting him to sleep in his own bed through the night. As soon as he got better, I started telling him before bed that when it's dark he needs to stay in his own bed, he can only come into our bed when it's bright outside. After a few days he would say it back to me, I was so impressed that he understood! When he'd wake up in the middle of the night he would call me and ask for bao bao but he won't get out of bed. Since it's the summer, "bright outside" sometimes means 5:45am. Nathan would wake up and say "it's bright" and run into our bed, LOL.

Jackson's parents went away for 2 weeks in May so I thought I would try potty training Nathan during this time. I wasn't sure what to expect, but I read a few articles about potty training in 3 days and thought it was worth a try. I was ready to give up by the end of the first day after several accidents, but we were both so encouraged when he finally peed in the toilet. It really felt like we worked together as a team to accomplish something great! Nathan was super excited, he yelled "It's coming!" in Chinese after saying "mei-yo lai" all the previous times. I've never been so happy to hear the sound of pee in a toilet. After that, he quickly learned the "feeling" of needing to go to the bathroom and had very few accidents. I was surprised at how fast he caught on. I guess he was just ready. He still can't tell whether he needs to pee or poop, and gets that mixed up when he tells me, but I can usually guess based on the time of day. Hooray to no more diapers, except nap time and bedtime! Now I just carry around a toilet seat everywhere we go ....

Nathan will just randomly start to "sing" like this
Reading Pride & Prejudice numbers book - I love how he memorized the words after hearing them a few times when he's never heard the story or seen the movie.

Taking selfies at the ENT doctor's office while we were waiting. Nathan was so calm and let the doctor examine him without moving around.

We finally found a bread that he would eat, brioche bread, soft and buttery! 

Our first visit to a play house, where there are many "themed" rooms set up with toys, this one had a train track and a race car ramp.

Here is the kitchen

Ice cream shop

Sitting on the potty!

He is so cute in his little nei-ku

At an indoor play space called Catch Air, it was really fun
I went on this slide too, it was super fun. Being a kid these days is awesome, I love being able to relive it through Nathan. It's like discovering a whole new world I never knew existed.

Ball pit!

Facing forward in the back up car seat, such a big boy. We were without our car for 2 weeks after an accident. We drove Jackson's parents car for a week while they were away and then a rental. It was a bit stressful but praise God everyone is okay and we eventually got reimbursed for everything.

Attended a music class nearby

Handsome boy at Mike and Echo's wedding

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