Thursday, May 4, 2017

2 Year and 7 Months - Spring time fun

It's finally warm enough for us to enjoy the outdoors again! Lots of fun play dates and exploring different playgrounds. Nathan can semi-count to 20, and knows most of the capital letters by sight. He plays well by himself for 10 minutes at a time and can entertain himself with random things, like a bag of balloons, although if I don't pay attention to him, the floor can be covered with things he dumps out that he will then refuse to clean up. - I love watching his "pretend play". Jackson builds amazing Lego houses that look different every time and he will use the Lego characters to play in the house.

Planting grass in soil, came with the egg dying kit.

Our first attempt at dying eggs!

Nathan and a one-year old boy from church, we went to a nearby nature center to explore.

Riding on the train at Van Saun Park for the first time! Nathan was SO excited, as you'll be able to see in the videos below. He is the most excited about saying "Hi" as the train passes by or as he passes by others while on the train.

This time he wasn't scared of the carousel and wanted to go again. Good thing the rides are only $1.50 each, otherwise I'd be spending all our money at the park!
Having fun at Josiah's 5th birthday party celebration. He was a little young for the "gymnastics" but still had a great time.

Happy birthday Josiah!

At his favorite local store, "CVS shopping" as he likes to call it.

Play date at the mall where Josiah taught Nathan how to play "Freeze".

Jackson told him to count 1-10 super fast, and this is what he does. We couldn't stop laughing at his facial expression from concentrating so hard.

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