Wednesday, April 5, 2017

2 Year and 6 Months - Jillian!

At Nathan's 2 1/2 year old well visit, he weighed 25 lbs 4.5 ounces (6th percentile) and was 36" tall (54th percentile). Yay, he gained weight! I could tell he did by how quickly I got tired from holding him.

A HUGE milestone this month. Since Nathan stopped sleeping in his crib a year ago, he's been sleeping in our bed pretty much every night. Not only that, I would lie next to him (pretending to be asleep) for 45 minutes to an hour waiting for him to fall asleep. Sometimes I would fall asleep before he does. I decided to start transitioning out of that routine by staying in the room but not in the bed. I explained that I have to work and sit on the floor with a laptop while he falls asleep. I realized that he slept much faster this way, not having me in bed with him. Feeling encouraged, I decided to try to leave the room while he was still awake to allow him to fall asleep by himself. I figured he can understand now that he is more verbal and can repeat what we say. The first night, I was able to convince him to let me leave the room to work after saying good night (he will repeat, "Mama san-ban" when I tell him that). He came out of the room 3 times, and 3 times I brought him back and said good night again. It took awhile but he didn't whine or cry! Within 2-3 days, he was falling asleep on his own, no problem. Granted he's still on a mattress on the floor in our bedroom, and he still climbs in bed with us when he wakes up in the middle of the night, BUT I've gained 45 minutes to 1 hour of free time that I didn't have before. I say that is a success. 

I started working out using Jillian Michaels DVDs, and tried a detox diet to help jump start a healthier lifestyle. Who knew Nathan would love the exercise routine and want to try them out with me?! He requested Jillian DVD in place of his normal TV shows while I ate dinner. I was pretty amazed at his attempts to do the moves.

We went to dim sum with the Adames and Nathan and Aurora had a great time together. He got a huge box of play-doh from Aunt Madelina and apparently they love the slide too!

I got Nathan this fun book called All Better and we "read" it like 10 times in a row the first day.

Nathan loves to be a good helper, so I try to include him when I do chores now. This keeps him busy and he feels accomplished, AND we actually get things done together! I really hope this continues when he gets older.....

Cute sweater from grandparents

The last big snowstorm of the winter. We did not have any snow gear for Nathan so we had to make do with plastic bags. 


Bed hair after nap time

Our neighbor's son, Nathan still loves babies!

At a 2 year old's birthday party.


The bounce house was a real hit at the party. Nathan had a blast and followed the birthday boy's aunt around everywhere. Everyone told me they couldn't believe how well behaved Nathan is as a 2 year old. I still remember just a few months ago he was throwing a crying fit at a restaurant because Jackson went to park the car and wasn't with us. So glad that improved once we learned to help him anticipate what's coming next and can communicate better.

Great at blowing bubbles now. Just a few months ago, he still wasn't able to do it. 

He likes to feed friends :)

Beautiful hand knit sweater from friend's mom. It finally fits him now.

First night out with the girls where I didn't have to rush home because Nathan won't sleep without me. Now that I've taught him to fall asleep on his own, Jackson can do the same when I'm not there. Woohoo!
This kid is hilarious. He picks up a pair of gloves sitting around, puts it on and starts singing the "Daddy Finger" song.

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