Sunday, March 5, 2017

2 Years and 5 Months - Pocky

Nathan loves to sing and dance, and will repeat things almost simultaneously. He also has a great memory and will remember things I said the night before. In addition to all the colors, he now knows shapes and many letters of the alphabet. Nathan will also say "I love you" when prompted.

I realized this month how much he's grown by how far he can reach across the sink when I wash his hands. Sometimes he surprises me by taking things off shelves and tables because I forget he's not a little toddler anymore. I think it became most obvious when I looked at his feet one day and they're not "baby size and super cute" anymore. My boy is growing up so fast, but I feel blessed to have all these precious memories and quality time with him :)

At the playground at Van Saun Park

He loves to eat Pocky. One day in the car he was holding a box after we bought it at the grocery store and I was just staring out the window next to him. All of a sudden I heard him say "Y, K, C, O P" and I realized that he recognized all the letters on the box! I was squealing in delight. I have become one of those parents who thinks every little thing their kid does is amazing, haha.
Wearing our retreat T-shirt. It was the first time we were able to get away for a weekend and focus on worshiping God, fellowship and prayer. It was wonderful. Even though Nathan had a fever when we dropped him off at his grandparents', he improved a lot by the next day and had a great time.

Refused to take a nap in the afternoon and fell asleep in the car when we went grocery shopping.

I REALLY need to go to bed.

He says "cheese" when I hold the phone up now. I think he learned it in Phoenix because we took so many pictures.
It's his signature move, the shake-shake! We love it so much it's now a routine after bath time. Before he is fully dressed, he will run into Daddy's room and do the shake-shake together. 

Playing peek-a-boo after bath time, notice a "surprise" at the end :)

Attempting to take off his shoe

I'm afraid he might have gotten my athletic genes

Looking out the window, talking -
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, or at least he thinks it's this song -

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