Monday, December 5, 2016

2 Years and 2 Months - Enjoying the outdoors

This past month was pretty warm, and Nathan enjoys being outside so we tried to take advantage of the nice weather before winter arrives. We went to the local playground and Van Saun Park, and had a few play dates at the gym and neighbor's house.

Surprisingly, after a few days of crying when I try to lay him down to brush his teeth, he started to get used to it and knows it's part of the bedtime routine now. I'm not sure who Nathan gets his cleanliness from, maybe pao pao. He loves to clean up (when he's in the mood) and always tells me "eww, dirty", or "wipe" in Chinese when he sees a dirty spot. At the library he is so proud and excited during clean up time when we do crafts, and is the first to run up to the librarian to give her the crayons, and will even pick up other kids' crayons and clean up.

When we go out, he is very friendly and will smile and wave to strangers, and say bye to other people when they're leaving the restaurant. But when it comes to playing with other kids his age, he still has a hard time controlling his emotions. He will grab toys out of other kids' hands or cry because he doesn't want other kids to play with the toys, it's just very odd and particular. When there are no toys though and they're just "playing", he is perfectly fine and happy.

I'm super grateful that Nathan is still so cuddly and petite. He gives me lots of kisses, the best is when he takes my head and pulls me to him to give me a kiss. When I get hurt and say "ow", he will come and give me a bao bao. He's such a sweet boy when he's not throwing a temper tantrum.

He is starting to imitate the things that we say now, in the past he didn't show any interest in imitating. Hearing him say new words and repeating it back to us in the right context is so rewarding and fun. It's amazing how their brain processes things and how much they pick up. Finally showed some interest in 12-piece animal puzzles and can do them but with a lot of help. He still doesn't understand the concept of corner pieces and edges, and it drives me nuts when he keeps trying to force the edges into the middle of the puzzle!

Nathan likes to watch these family egg hunts on YouTube so one day I decided to hide the plastic eggs that we have around the house and have him look for them. He LOVED it. After a few days, he came up with a variation of the game. He "hides" the eggs himself, then counts and says "go" and then goes looking for them. LOL, I could not stop laughing the first time I watched him and was trying to figure out what he was doing. He actually plays very well on his own!  

Playing ping pong at church

Bald eagles behind us

So cute in his sweater. He saw a little bird and started chasing it, he thought it was more interesting than the actual animals on exhibit.

Playing with Aurora

Whenever we go over to our neighbor's house for a play date, they always put out the prettiest spreads of snacks and desserts.... I'm afraid to invite them over to our house because we never have anything to serve, haha.

Playing at the kids gym

Having hot pot buffet with friends. It was super fun and yummy.
I absolutely LOVE Nathan's new car seat. It looks modern and classy but is super heavy duty. I didn't know if he would resist the change in car seats, so when I did the switch, I showed him the infant car seat and told him it's for babies and he is too big for it now. And told him that his big boy car seat is super cool before opening the door and revealing it and saying "WOAHHH!" He bought it and for weeks afterwards, he would say "baby" while pointing to the infant car seat and "Nathan too big", and then say "WOAH, COOL!!!" when he sees the new car seat. LOL.  

He just picked this up from our laundry basket and started wearing it like a hat. It was hilarious.

Head, Shoulders, Knees!

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