Thursday, January 5, 2017

2 Years and 3 Months - Mr. Social

With the holidays coming up, there were lots of opportunities for play dates and socializing with other kids. Nathan has started to become more clingy to Jackson and whining / crying if he can't find Daddy. It's good and bad. Good because Nathan doesn't want me to feed him, change him, bathe him when Jackson is around so I just say, okay and take a break :) Bad because when Jackson leaves the room, he cries and whines until he comes back.

Finally willing to try a new food, clementines, and loved it.

At Joshua's 1st birthday party, he was obsessed with the balloons for a few minutes.

He finds a "best friend" at almost every event, usually someone who plays with him for a few minutes and then he follows them around the whole time. At this event it was our friend Yoko. 

With the birthday boy. Last time they met, Nathan wouldn't stop hugging and kissing Joshua. This time was no different. 
Nathan wouldn't let him go the entire time we were trying to get a kids group photo.

He didn't want to take a selfie, he wanted to say "Hi". 

My birthday dinner

His new favorite Jie Jie Stephanie
Had so much fun playing with Ms. Jeanyoung

He was a bit faster at opening presents this year, but not by much.

Such a cute pie all wrapped up in the towel

He and his neighbor friend Leo were taking turns in the baby rocker, so high tech. I was afraid he might break it.

Sitting with baby Aiden. Nathan wasn't happy about us letting the guest play with his toys. Even things he doesn't play with, all of a sudden they're like treasures.

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