Saturday, November 5, 2016

2 Years and 1 Month - The evil dentists!

After several nights of failed attempts at getting Nathan to sleep in his own room, with me lying next to him crammed into the toddler bed and getting neck cramps the next morning, we finally compromised with letting him sleep on a mattress in our room. So now I lie next to him on the floor until he falls asleep, but when he wakes up in the middle of the night, he crawls in bed with us anyway. It's a long work in progress. 

Nathan is really into Totoro now and can watch the entire movie and still ask to see it again right after. He loves the songs and copying Totoro's movements and gets really excited at certain parts. I think his long-time favorite toys really are the cut fruits and vegetables. I bought him another set to complement his first set and he LOVES them. Another favorite is the Easter eggs, he'll sit there and open / close them, put stuff in and take out for a really long time. Still no patience or interest in puzzles, the few times we tried he just dumps all the pieces out and that's pretty much it. And sadly, he still won't let me read stories to him, he only likes to flip pages on his terms and will not wait for me to read the text. 

It's getting easier and easier to understand what Nathan wants because he's becoming more expressive in actions and words. Sometimes it takes awhile for me to figure it out but when I do, we're both super excited. He is very particular with what he wants so I try to give him choices when I remember to. For example, he will tell us when he wants either Daddy or Mama to help him with something, if the "wrong" person comes, he will yell for the other person. If I put veggie chips in his bowl instead of the table (because he wants to put it in the bowl) he will get really upset. So. Weird. 

This month I started teaching a new class for 2 and 3 year olds at church and I brought Nathan with me even though he's a little on the young side. He seems happier than being in the nursery although I have to watch him carefully so he doesn't fight over toys with the bigger kids. Hopefully he'll feel comfortable in this class soon and I can leave to attend service at some point! 

Singing and dancing -
Colors and shapes -
More playing with bubbles at the library -

Cutting his fruits and vegetables

Yeah, he has no interest in sitting on the potty, it's being used as a bowl for fruits and vegetables....

Been trying to take advantage of the warm weather we've been having. Took him to Van Saun park by myself on a weekday. It's so nice and quiet. We went to the zoo and rode on the carousel. He like it before it started moving, then got more and more scared and I had to bao bao him during the rest of the ride. 

Waiting at the dentist office, watching TV. Such a cool set up. I thought it was going to be easy, but nope, nothing prepared me for the chaos that ensued when the dentist tried to clean his teeth. It's been a long time since I've seen him screaming and crying like that and I was the one who had to hold him down in the chair. My heart ached and I almost told the dentist to just stop, especially when he was crying, "bao bao". I dreaded the thought of having to come back in six months, and must have had a look of horror on my face when they told me that I needed to put him in the same position at home and brush his teeth for him, everyday, twice, and floss. 

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