Wednesday, October 5, 2016

2 Years!

Nathan is 2 years old! At his 2 year check up, he weighed 22 pounds 15 ounces, and was 34" tall. He's in the 49th percentile for height but 3rd percentile for weight. The pediatrician recommended a feeding therapist (didn't know they existed) to see if they can get him to eat more foods, and a visit to the dentist (should be interesting).

Nathan is so fun and entertaining to be around. He's learning words very quickly, and picks up dance moves fast too. He says "cuckle" for "cuddle", and will sing the words that he knows in songs like, "me", "God", "hope", "Jesus" and he'll say them at the right time in the songs!

His new favorite show is Stinky and Dirty. He likes to play hide and seek (kind of), he understands the concept of hiding, but not the part where he waits until someone comes to find him. He usually runs out before I can even get to him, haha. He is starting to play pretend, as I noticed him feeding veggie chips to the Lego train conductor. And yes, he still LOVES veggie chips and wants them with every meal. The weirdest is when he puts them in yogurt, yuck!

Nathan loves meeting new friends at the playground, and will follow other kids around / what they do. But for some reason, he will also grab things out of other kids' hands at the library and church, and then cry when I tell him he can't do that. So now I think I'll try to take him to places where there are no toys to fight over. It's not even like he wants to play with the things, he just likes to take what other people have! Hopefully it's a phase that goes away very soon.

Pondering about life. He is really good in the car now, fairly quiet and mellow.

He semi-woke up from a nap but wanted to keep sleeping, so I took the opportunity to just hold him while he slept and didn't do anything else. It's been awhile since I've done it and I realized that he's growing up so fast. Gotta take in these moments.

At a kids' gym with friends. It's a great place for him to run around and do obstacle courses!

Apple picking fun on Nathan's birthday!

He actually enjoyed opening the presents this year.

Qing Qing! They gave each other a kiss unprompted by us (adorable!!), so we asked them to do it again to get it on video. 

Nathan playing with our neighbor's bubble gun. It was funny. We brought out bubbles from our house and I was blowing them (thinking I was such a fun mom). And then they came out with this high tech machine that plays music and another huge bubble maker. 

Nathan talk -
Bubbles at the library -

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