Sunday, September 4, 2016

23 Months - VBS

This is my 4th year volunteering with VBS at our church. I was really excited to have Nathan participate in the singing / dancing portion of the program because he loves music. He was a little shy but I can tell he enjoyed it. For weeks after VBS, we would watch the music videos on YouTube at home and he mastered the moves perfectly and learned to sing several words in the songs! 

Our theme song for this VBS:
Nathan dancing to the same song at home:
Playing with Daddy at the local park:
Play date with our neighbor:
Kids playing at Aunt Madelina's:

We had church service at a lake house and invited a few friends. Such a rare opportunity for us to get together with the little ones!

Veggie sticks with friends

Nathan's new obsession - peeling all the labels off our water bottles. If he sees a bottle, he has to literally take the label off right then. 

Playing at the ENT office - He was getting nosebleeds so often for a few weeks that I decided to take him to a specialist to check it out. Thank God I did. He took one look at his nose and said he had an infection, prescribed some ointment and within a week everything cleared up!

Heather, Pascual and the girls were passing through and stayed over at Madelina's for a day. We went over for dinner while the kids played together. It was short but a nice little reunion.

Nathan takes over our bed pretty much....

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