Thursday, August 4, 2016

22 Months - Flies and lots of cuddles

After we got back from Pittsburgh, we had an interesting 2 weeks waging war against larvae and flies in the house. We accidentally left out a small bag of garbage in the kitchen and came back to disgusting looking larvae on our kitchen counter. We thought it was the end of them after quickly squishing everything we saw. A week later, I woke up and found a few flies in the dining room and thought it was weird since I didn't remember letting any in the house. Then the next day there were more, and I quickly realized that there must have been a bunch of larvae hiding somewhere that survived and now they're all turning into flies! Yuck! Thank God they were babies and not very bright or fast, so we were able to get them fairly easily. But still, I couldn't smash them so I sprayed them with Windex until they drowned. Between Jackson and me, we probably killed 60 flies altogether. Nathan thought it was entertaining watching us chase after the "tsong tsong"s. He caught on fast and would tell us when he sees them.

Trying to catch a fly

I've temporarily given up on trying to get Nathan to sleep in his room, so we're letting him just sleep in our bed. It takes him 20-30 minutes to fall asleep, as I lay next to him pretending to sleep, while he kicks and rolls around and smacks me in the head. In the beginning I was a bit frustrated that it takes so long, but then started to enjoy the extra cuddle time at night and in the morning when he wakes up. I'm glad that he's still cuddly and wants bao bao often.

Nathan and his favorite "color" book.
Pay attention to how he says "orange".

Wearing Mama's slippers.

Helping Mama clean cherries.

Playing with Trinity at our annual Redeemer BBQ

Taking a nice, cool break

He likes to climb into boxes

And baskets.....

First time he's eating a banana all by himself, usually he likes to be fed or have fruit cut in bite sized pieces

He's into swings again, and he likes us to blow bubbles while he's on the swing

He started to refuse baths, so we enticed him with bubble baths and it worked!

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