Monday, July 4, 2016

21 Months - Mama! and Pittsburgh reunion

Finally, after nearly 21 months, I finally heard "Mama" from Nathan's mouth. I haven't pressed him to say it until recently, and after a few days of "Who am I?" every hour, he probably got tired of it and said "Mama". He used to refer to me as "Nie-Nie" which means milk and of course Jackson found it hilarious which probably made him do it more.

He is also talking a lot more now, mostly in Nathan language but it sounds as if he knows what he's saying. He can say "pao pao, gong gong, yi, guh guh, no, bye, hi" and a few colors. Sadly he learned the colors from watching YouTube videos so I can't even get the credit for teaching him that. One day I decided to ask him about the colors and he already knew them!

I've noticed that Nathan really likes to help and be useful. When he sees me turn on the water to take a shower, he would be super excited and go get my towel for me. He likes to throw things away in the garbage. I try to remind myself to let him help instead of telling him to go play while I get stuff done, like vacuuming or washing fruits. Hey, it's never too early to have him learn to help around the house!

He still hasn't quite gotten the hang of bowling yet, but it's an improvement over knocking the bottles down with his hands.

Enjoying a cart ride and saying bye to random cars that pass by.

We had such a great family reunion in Pittsburgh! Here are the highlights

Cuddling with Daddy in the morning

Too sweet for words
At church picnic, Nathan wants to play with the big boys

We got him a water table but he wasn't very interested in the actual water table

Dedicating Nathan to the Lord
So handsome
Helping me wash the cherries
He likes to sit on steps - when we're outside playing, he'll just find a little step to sit and relax for awhile

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