Saturday, June 4, 2016

20 Months - Daddy!

Nathan loves to drink milk and look out the window. He says "Daddy!" really clearly now, it used to be more like "Da, Da, Da". He is an even more picky eater these days but is starting to enjoy eating with his hands. He can say "toto" for potato, his staple go-to food, other than veggie chips. He hates bread and will just toss them around his plate if I try giving it to him. Surprisingly he loves dogs and isn't afraid of a big dog. At a friend's house, he kept saying "go-go" and wanting to play with the dog even though he's so big that he just knocks him down by accident and Nathan cries. But a few minutes later, he forgets and wants to play with go-go again.

I've also noticed that he likes to take what other kids have. At play groups, if there are 3 balls and someone takes 1, that's the 1 he wants even though there are 2 on the ground unclaimed. And if that kid gives him the ball and takes another, then he tries to go take that one instead. It drives me nuts! The human sinful nature at its most basic level! I never taught him to want what others have!

I wonder when he started to understand the concept of pretend. Here he's pretending to drink out of empty bottles.

Over Memorial Day weekend, I had 4 days of complete freedom while the grandparents watched Nathan. It was so heavenly to wake up, sleep, eat, play with friends without thinking about Nathan's schedule or how to make him happy. We all agreed to try to make these getaways happen every 2 years so now we're planning for 2018! The only downside to my time away was that when we got back, Nathan refused to go into the crib and would wrap his legs around me as soon as I go into his room. So for now, we're just letting him sleep in our bed.

Nathan met a new friend at the playground. They played really well together. She's just as friendly as he is. Usually other kids get scared if he gets too close. Here's a video of him playing with wood chips.
I'm scared to take Nathan down the long and curvy slide, but Daddy took him.
Play time at the library. They have some really great toys! 
This was great. Pack n play in our room with a view of the street. Nathan likes to look outside at the birds, dogs, people, cars while I get ready in the morning. 
He just decided to climb in the basket himself. I was surprised he fit! so cute. 
Go-go! Nathan's best buddy that day (when he's not being knocked down)

We walked to this pond in Dumont on a very hot day. It took a lot longer than I thought it would but it was pretty and quiet. Saw a family of geese and was going to get a picture of Nathan in front of them, but then the adult goose started coming towards us with a menacing look. Must be protecting all the baby geese!
I love his outfits at the grandparents'. He looks like a movie director.
The girls shopping at Target before we drive to our house in Key Largo. It's nice traveling with friends from college who are super comfortable with each other. We can go months without seeing each other and then when we do, it just feels natural.

Nathan waking up from a nap.

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