Thursday, May 5, 2016

19 Months - Mr. Independent

Now that Nathan is walking pretty well, he likes to run off and refuses to hold our hands when we're out walking. He's more social now and is really fun to play with. He can blow kisses and waves bye to people (or cars or nothing). I remember him having 8 teeth for a very long time, and then they all seemed to just pop out at once and now he has a full mouth of teeth! Nathan is going through sleep regression and ends up in our bed for a few hours every night. He has new words that we can understand really well - "more", "again", "niaw niaw", "bao bao".

At Van Saun Park zoo

At dress rehearsal for Uncle Jeff and Aunt Joyce's wedding. He's supposed to walk down the center aisle but kept getting distracted by the water fountains and would start veering off the path. 
The CUTEST little ring bearer outfit, except he wasn't the actual ring bearer :) 
He got scared when he saw all the people and refused to walk down the aisle, even with the veggie chips in hand.

Playing at nearby park

Ball pit again!
Play date!

Playing with Uncle Mike!

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