Friday, April 8, 2016

18 Months - Officially Walking and Cousin Fun!

After we came back from Arizona, Nathan picked up right where he left off and began to take more and more steps. By 18 months, he's walking everywhere and carrying things as if he's been doing it forever. No more crawling! He's also very good at getting down from the couch and bed, and going down the stairs. Our little boy is growing up so fast. He really hates doctor checkups. I had to bribe him with veggie chips (his new love) just to get him to sit on the scale. By the time the doctor came in, we were all out of veggie chips and it was like getting a wild dog to stay still. Nathan was 31 inches and weighed 20 pounds, 10.5 ounces.

His new favorite TV show is now Blue's Clues and he likes to imitate Steve's hand movements in the song. I have it memorized so I can perform it on demand when he wants to be entertained in the car. Now that he's walking comfortably, we try to go to the playground whenever the weather is nice so he can walk around and play outside.

It was such a treat to have Sof and the boys come visit for a few days. We had fun playing indoors, going outside to the playground, watched TV shows, ate yummy snacks. And when the boys were asleep, we had a little bit of quiet sister time! I'm still amazed she took the 2 boys by herself on a 10 hour train ride and stayed in a B&B in Brooklyn for 2 nights.

Sitting quietly at church
Sleeping at H-Mart, so we had a peaceful meal at the food court
Sitting at his new table / chair eating veggie chips
Playing puzzles at the library
He wanted to hold the bag of veggie chips at the grocery store
He wanted to hold it in the car too, just in case Mama wanted to eat it all on the way home
Ah-yi won Nathan over early on with her enthusiastic clapping
Cousins playing, not quite together, but in the same room at least
Nathan was very good about sharing his toys, I was very pleased - his veggie chips, not so much
Boys playing in the ball pit

More cousin fun -
Cute face on the slide!
What a great climber, John Mark! I had so much fun playing with him. He is super smart and funny, and comes up with creative games like his mom. 
Sweet valley high?
Selfie with my fav 4 year old on the bus
Nathan loves babies - this one is our friend's son who's 4 months old

Watching Nathan with him makes my heart melt

1 comment:

  1. I love the way you put things: "it was like trying to get a wild dog to sit still." Hahahha. Cute pics. Isn't this a fun age?! My favorite months are 18-24!!!!
