Sunday, October 4, 2015

Nathan's Birthday!

Nathan is now 18 pounds, 6 ounces and 29.5" tall. He loves doing repetitive tasks like opening / closing things, taking things out / putting them back in. We had a really nice birthday gathering for him. He got so many new toys that I can space them out - this way he gets to play with a new thing every few weeks! Nathan had a great time with the presents and playing with Aurora but when it came time for his birthday cake, he had the usual blank look when we were singing happy birthday to him. He didn't even want cake! He's a very picky eater, this little guy's default response is "no" when we try to feed him. Only when I distract him enough to stick a spoonful of food in his mouth will he realize that he likes it and then ask for more.

He likes to be in the shopping cart, although we don't usually do this. 

Playing with Aurora at Lucien's birthday party

These are his first attempts to stand on the bed. Sometimes he'll get it for a second or two, other times not so much, but it's hilarious because he'll clap for himself either way.

Playing the head tilt game with Uncle Mike. Sadly after his birthday he stopped doing it.

Lucien slept almost the entire time. He needs to teach Nathan his trick!

So appropriate for him. He can see Cheerios / or the cup that holds his Cheerios from across the room, or when the table is FULL of other things his eyes are just drawn to them. It's like he has a sensor for his favorite treat!

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