Sunday, September 13, 2015

Weeks 48 and 49 - Seattle / Vancouver

Fun selfies before going out for a walk

Thank God we had Jackson's parents with us on this trip. Otherwise, I think we would have turned around and came home after 2 days. Poor Nathan got a fever the night we arrived in Seattle. He refused to take baby Tylenol and didn't eat much for a couple of days. I didn't sleep very well and kept checking his forehead and nursing him throughout the night. By the morning we were leaving Seattle, Nathan's fever broke but he was super cranky. He kept crying at brunch until Jackson came to take him and then he was fine with the grandparents (I think it's just me sometimes). On our car ride to Vancouver we had to stop several times and take him out of the car seat because he was crying hysterically. It's SO hard when traveling at this age because he doesn't nap or sleep as well. During our mealtimes, grandma ends up holding Nathan to sleep towards the end of the meal. Each morning, we looked forward to 8:30am when we would drop Nathan off next door while we got an hour to get ready to go out. It really takes a team of 4 to watch one baby when traveling for a week. I didn't post all of the food photos because there are way too many. We really enjoyed walking around in Vancouver and ate a LOT of amazing Asian food. If it weren't for the long flight, I think we would definitely go back more often! Nathan actually did well on the flights, he went back and forth between us and the grandparents, ate his puffs, and on the way back home, we took a red-eye so he slept on our laps the whole time. Note to self, even though he's sleeping, it's tiring to hold him on my lap for 5 hours! For such a long flight, I would rather pay for his seat than to get a free seat and be miserable.  

Nathan's favorite game on the trip - playing with Jackson's wallet / taking out all of the credit cards and throwing them on the ground.

Hanging out in the United lounge

Ready for takeoff!
At Ding Tai Fung. Food was as good as I remembered and the shaved ice dessert was delicious.
Hanging out with Daddy while I'm at the wedding. For a baby with a fever, he seems pretty content with TV and puffs.
At the market on Granville Island
So peaceful and pretty

At the aquarium in Stanley Park
Waiting for the beluga show, which Nathan had no interest in
Lookout point at Stanley Park
Mischief at the table - banging and throwing everything on the floor

At a great HK style breakfast / lunch place - we loved it so much we went twice! And got a bunch of buns to go! Nathan would only sleep with the "grandma touch". 

Night market - yum yum yum - it was a pretty authentic set up!
Happy we brought his bath toys
At Queen Elizabeth Park

Fancy brunch inside the park - there was a wedding reception behind us

What a tiring trip! I'm gonna sleep all the way home.

There was clearly a sign that says no playing in the water, but of course, there were tons of kids running in the fountain and getting photos taken, so we joined in. 

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