Sunday, November 1, 2015

13 Months - Standing

What a crazy month! I've been so behind on updating the blog and haven't been taking as many photos / videos. After Nathan's birthday, I've been preoccupied with some repairs for the JH apartment and getting it ready for closing, upgrading the nursery at church, going to doctor and acupuncture appointments, and finishing up client work. Jackson's parents were also away for a week which meant I got extra time with Nathan and not much else done that week :)

My tailbone had been hurting really badly especially after sitting for awhile. It lasted for a couple of months before I decided to get it checked out. Apparently it moves when I sit which is why it's been painful. My acupuncturist is awesome - she suggested drinking oxtail soup every day (after cooking for 12 hours the gelatin from the bone is released into the soup). After one week I already felt a little better and now after 3 weeks, I barely feel any pain if I'm careful to not sit too long. I also bought a special cushion to sit on to relieve the pressure on my tailbone. Praying for complete healing!

Nathan is getting more and more mobile every day, and opinionated! Which is all good (and bad) at the same time. After going up the stairs a couple of times, he mastered it and is really fast at going up our long flight of stairs with no problem. He likes to go into a room and close the door. He loves to shake his head "no" for everything, but is starting to figure out how to nod when he actually wants something. But with that comes guessing what he wants every time he's not happy, and he will only eat what he wants to eat. He has a good memory now and it's harder to distract him because he remembers what he wants! He started standing on our bed when Jackson is in bed with him. He'll push up into a standing position using Jackson's body and then fall back on his butt, then clap for himself when we say "Yay"! It's so funny that he would only do it in bed, probably because it's a soft surface. This guy is super conservative and careful when it comes to trying something new.

This month I started introducing the straw cup and it took a couple of weeks for him to really get the hang of it because the flow is so much faster than the sippy cup. I also took him to a playgroup and library story time a couple of times. But because of his nap time in the morning, most times he's asleep on our way there so then I just turn back around. He's getting to be more attached to us in unfamiliar settings. It's been hard to leave him in the baby room at church because he'll cry when he sees me leave the room. I'm going to try to slowly introduce him to the toddler room but since he's not walking yet, I don't feel comfortable leaving him there with other kids who are running around.

I love seeing Nathan learn new things. He's stacking blocks now instead of just banging them together. He's also being creative with how he's playing with toys. For example, he saw a bottle cap on the table and he wanted me to give it to him. He took it and placed it on top of a block with a round top so it fit perfectly! He still enjoys doing repetitive tasks, and his new thing is putting caps on and taking off of the containers. He is still scared of the dust buster although he's okay with touching it when it's not on. He used to start shaking his head when he sees it and wants to be held. There's improvement!

He'll sit in his baby chair sometimes with a book while I brush my teeth
SO cute I could not resist!

Thanks for such a cute sweater Ah-yi!

This is after several times of getting his fingers stuck in the drawer while closing it. He figured out that he needs to remove his fingers from the opening when it gets close.
Nathan waking up from his nap
Entertaining himself

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