Sunday, May 10, 2015

Week 31 - First Birthday Party and 7 Months

Nathan and I went to our first birthday party together. It was a princess theme and I can tell how much work it took to plan the party. I don't know if I have the creativity or the patience to throw these types of parties. It's been such a headache feeding Nathan with a spoon, takes forever and it's so messy. Sof suggested that I try feeding him straight from a pouch and it worked wonders! I'm hoping that he'll eat more solids now and gain more weight so the pediatrician will stop telling me that he's underweight! At his 7 month check up, he was 27" long and 15 pounds, 9 ounces.

The baby play area at the party

New friend Ethan - he's 2 months younger than Nathan, doesn't look it right?

Aunt Lisa holding Nathan while I ate

He's so good at sleeping on other people's shoulders

7 months! I realized I forgot to take photos after he went to bed....

There were a couple of times when I would go to the kitchen for a few minutes, I come back and he somehow moved off the mat, but when I sit there and watch him, it never happens so I have no idea how he moves around.

I love that he's so smiley and happy most of the time

Perfectly comfortable in another grandma's arms - such a relief for me

Before potluck with Bible study group

Happy birthday / congratulations on soon-to-be baby / have a good trip cake

Took a walk with our neighbor and her son Leo, he's about 6 weeks older than Nathan

Multi-tasking at its best

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