Sunday, May 3, 2015

Week 30 - Give me more space!

Nathan loves being on his tummy and can lift his upper body really high now. But he gets frustrated when he keeps kicking against the floor and doesn't move forward. He still manages to rotate and roll around so I have to be much more careful now. I looked away for not even a minute and he somehow went under the crib. So I took out his baby play mat this week and played downstairs in the living room because there's more space for him to move around.

Nathan's able to sit in his feeding chair but gets distracted easily when I feed him. After a few spoonfuls, he starts chewing on the belt or banging on the tray and closes his mouth or whines when I try feeding him more. He is very active about grabbing everything that he sees and is super curious. He also loves to look out the window.

Where's my breakfast, Mommy?

Nathan's new play area

Look how flexible I am! This is how he sits, if he tries to sit up straight he'll fall over to the side

Ready to eat!

In deep thought as he enjoys the outside view

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