Sunday, May 24, 2015

Weeks 32 and 33 - First Mother's Day / Anniversary Date

New things that Nathan has been doing recently - patting things with his hands and scratching different surfaces, not crawling but does push ups (like entire body lifted off the ground except for hands and feet), loves drinking water out of his sippy cup, sticks his tongue out. We've been teaching him to clap his hands and occasionally he'll do it on his own but he won't do it when we tell him to. I've been slowly re-introducing foods back into my diet and besides his cheeks getting a little red he seems okay. Praise God - He is so gracious and merciful. I've been trying to speak health over his body and digestive / immune system and that he has no allergies.

On our anniversary we took an overnight trip to NYC while Jackson's parents watched Nathan. We got upgraded to a suite which never happens to us - it was nice but we never used the extra living room. It felt strange at times to be without Nathan and we missed him and were looking forward to seeing him by the next morning. Of course, when he saw us later that afternoon he just stared at us with no expression. Seriously I don't think he knew we were gone, which I guess is good :) 

Mother's day stroll at the park
Happy in the arms of Aunty at church - of course he fell asleep on her in a matter of minutes

Who's that cutie in the mirror?

He loves to turn the pages and pat the book
One of the best breads I've ever had at a restaurant
Amazing lobster appetizer with Texas toast

Mmmmmm it's been months since I've had this
I was surprised to milk and cookies at a nice restaurant but let me tell you, these were not your normal cookies - SOOOO soft and warm and delicious
After a failed attempt at blending in with the NYC crowd at the rooftop lounge of our hotel (we felt really old and out of place), we decided to roam around K-town and went for more dessert
Late night dessert in bed
Crab on toast at brunch - super delicious

Successful overnight date! Nathan only woke up once in the middle of the night and went back to bed after a bottle of milk. Next trip - back to the Maldives, says Jackson. Hah.

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