Sunday, April 26, 2015

Week 29 - First Roadtrip

We took Nathan on his first road trip this weekend to Vermont. He did really well for most of the ride - slept and played by himself for a good part of the trip, but got antsy and fussy when he was hungry or got tired of sitting in the car seat. Then I have to break out the toys and start entertaining him nonstop. We happened to pass by a Chick-Fil-A in CT when we were looking for a McDonalds and we both yelled in excitement because we've never been to one before. So of course, that's where we stopped and had lunch. It was super clean and had great service, and the chicken was juicy and delicious! It was nice to hang out with friends in one house, especially after the kids went to bed, made me feel semi-young again and that we can still do normal adult activities :)

I could not stop smiling the first time I saw this sleeping position. I don't see how it's comfortable but it's just another example of why I can't get enough of this little guy.

Sweet smile for the camera

I'm too cool for this bath thing

Don't mess with me when I have a towel on my head

You do your thing mom and I do mine

Nathan ate really well when Aunt Annie was feeding him, I need to learn her skills! Trinity loved Nathan and kept pointing to him and saying "baby" even though she's a baby too, so cute.

Morning cuddles with Aunt Bohee

I love that he likes to be around people

Looking into each other's eyes, haha

The kids got along great!

With Uncle Wilbur - Look mommy I'm a football! 

Nathan feeding himself - genius

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