Sunday, March 1, 2015

Week 21 - Finally rolled over!

What a world of a difference this week was compared with last. Nathan is doing much better - his cold is pretty much gone and he's a lot happier and sleeping more soundly. Praise God! 

Nathan finally figured out how to roll over to his right onto his tummy. Once he got it he wanted to do it all the time, especially when I'm trying to change his diaper, haha. Things are going to get more interesting from now on. I can no longer leave him in one spot and expect him to remain there.

I've noticed that he is even more nimble with his fingers in how he plays with his toys and the pacifier. Sometimes I find him just staring at his fingers and trying to figure out how they move? He is also licking things and will lick me when I kiss him. It sounds gross but it's so cute :) 

Nathan's eczema is clearing up more on his face. There are just a few small patches where he tends to scratch and that rub against his clothes, but other than that, his face is looking baby smooth! I'm so happy and encouraged by it. I need to keep praying for complete healing and for the symptoms to disappear. This week I took gluten and soy sauce out of my diet as well, hopefully that will help keep him more comfortable in the meantime.    

This week I'm trying to get him back to a sleeping / napping routine. He's still waking up 2-3 times a night but at least he'll go back to sleep after nursing. I find that being a parent is like a big experiment - you try different things and see what works with your child. How to get him to sleep? How to get him to stop crying? How to get him to eat? If it doesn't work, you just have to go with it and start again tomorrow. I'm learning that the most important thing is to not have an agenda. I get frustrated and stressed out more when I want him to sleep at a certain time so I can do my own thing. On days that I'm with him all day, I feel like I need to start the day thinking that my main goal is to spend time with him and not expect to get my own things done. And if he's behaving well and I end up having that time, awesome. and if not, it's okay. 

He was stuck in this position for weeks trying to roll over. Once he figured out what to do with his arms, it's a piece of cake!

Nathan loves FaceTime with pao pao!

For some reason, he likes to press his face against the mesh. No matter how many times we move him to the center, within a few minutes, he shuffles himself in his sleep to this position.

Lots of play time on the mat this week since he wants to roll over all the time.

Still not quite sure what to do after he rolls over though. Just kind of looks around and then gets tired and face plants :)

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