Sunday, February 22, 2015

Week 20 - Guessing game

This was probably the toughest week for us since Nathan was born. He was not sleeping well at night and would wake up screaming. Even when I held him he would continue crying for like 30 minutes before calming down. After falling asleep, he would wake up again in an hour or two and the cycle continues. Because he's sick and coughing, he threw up at least once a day and I felt like we were constantly doing laundry. Thank God it never got on our carpet. I could barely get anything done during the day because I had to hold him most of the time. Honestly, I have no idea why he was crying so much like he was in pain. Is it just the cold? Is it teething? Is it because he hasn't pooped in two days and is uncomfortable? Is he itchy? The toughest part about this week wasn't even that we couldn't sleep enough. I can tolerate not getting continuous sleep - that's what the newborn stage was like. It was tolerable because I knew he was hungry and needed to be changed, so I did that and we both went back to sleep. But it's miserable when I'm holding a screaming baby in the middle of the night and have no idea what to do to calm him down. 

I regained my sanity during the hours when Nathan was at his grandparents'. They're so good with him because he seemed pretty happy at their house! 

I took very few photos this week because I couldn't put him down for more than a few minutes at a time :) 

One of the few times he was happy

Staring intently at the pacifier. He was taking it in his hand and trying to put it back in his mouth.

Saluting in his sleep

I love it when he naps! He looks like a sumo wrestler in this suit.

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