Sunday, February 15, 2015

Week 19 - Cold or Teething?

Towards the end of our trip to Phoenix, Nathan got a fever. He was really cranky and uncomfortable all day. We tried to give him medication to bring down the fever but he did NOT like it and threw up a couple of times. I ended up holding him the whole night trying to get some sleep and keeping him as cool as possible. The fever would come and go, and finally broke early morning. Thank God it was just a 24 hour thing. The next night we still couldn't sleep though because Nathan was so itchy. He cried the entire night even though we were holding him. That's our fault because we went out to eat several times and I did not keep to my diet. I'm going to have to cut back again when we go home.  

I love James' smile - it just comes so naturally to him.

Our last day together. Gong gong held Nathan for over three hours because he wanted him to sleep and recover after having a fever the day before. So sweet (and tiring I'm sure).
Pao pao feeling a bit better after a week of hosting us while being sick.
The morning of our flight, I could definitely feel my throat hurting and by the time we got to the airport, my whole body was achy. It was a rough flight having to hold Nathan while he's still fussy and really not feeling well myself. When we got home, I went straight to bed and knew I had a fever. Body aches from fever is the worst - it makes me feel weak and I just don't want to do anything except lie in bed. One day this week I was feeling so terrible from the cold symptoms and Nathan was still crying all the time that I was at my wit's end. Then the sweetest thing happened. I was nursing Nathan and all of a sudden he stopped, turned his head to look at me and smiled, then started talking to me. He did this three times while he was nursing. I couldn't help but laugh and my heart melted. It's almost like he was comforting me and trying to make me feel better.

Nathan also had his 4-month check up this week. He's 13 pounds 12 ounces and 25 inches long. Right after the check up, he started getting cold symptoms too. Runny nose, coughing and phlegm. And really smelly and mucus-y green poop. The entire week he just slept in our bed with me because we all need sleep and he did not want to be in his pack n' play. Sigh, babies not feeling well really sets you back from the good routines you've developed! Funny thing though is that when I called the pediatrician's office and asked if these cold symptoms are anything to be concerned about, the nurse at the office told me that she doesn't think he has a cold but is just teething! That's crazy - how can teething cause so many of the same symptoms as a cold?

I also took Nathan to his follow up ultrasound with the urologist. Everything looks perfect! Praise God. The doctor said that usually it takes over a year before the kidney "issue" resolves but for Nathan it was really quick. So we don't have to go back anymore - good thing too, because he was literally screaming the entire time we were there. I was all sweaty and embarrassed. It was also my first time using the stroller from the car. I now understand why my mom is super strong when we were growing up - there is so much heavy lifting!

I can't believe we were just in 70 degree weather last week and now it's like 10 degrees here. How nice would it be to spend the entire winter in Phoenix? :)

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