Sunday, February 8, 2015

Week 18 - Fun in the sun

Lots of pictures ahead! What an awesome week in Phoenix with family. The only thing that would have made it better is if everyone felt completely healthy and Sof didn't miss the connecting flight. The weather was beautiful - clear blue skies everyday and high of 80 degrees. It was super laid back. Our days would start really early around 6am when the kids woke up but since there's no agenda, we could just take our time with everything. It's nice to have other people in the house who are early risers. We spent time at the house, at the park, went out to eat with family once, went to church, and Jackson and I took the opportunity to go on a few dates since we had plenty of people to help watch Nathan :) The restaurants we went to were superb, I was really impressed. It felt almost like dining in NYC except with a more relaxed atmosphere. Jackson even noted how nice and quiet it is in Phoenix and so easy to find parking. And within 30 minutes there are plenty of great restaurants to check out. I'm glad that he enjoys our visits. Before our first trip a year ago, I was nervous because Jackson seemed skeptical when I told him how much I loved Phoenix. But now he can see what I'm talking about!

Nathan's first flight! He was actually pretty well behaved.

On our way to the park. Instead of riding the tricycle, JM wanted to push it (notice his panda riding on the back of the seat). I love this kid.

With Lao Nie Nie

Nathan loved his time with Lao Nie Nie this week

Pao Pao love. The slide was wet from morning dew, so of course she gets a rag and dries the slide before JM can play.

Cousin love. So sweet.

It's bath time with Pao Pao again! 

I'm 4 months! This is Nathan's seat the entire trip. It's the corner of the L-shaped couch so it helps prop him up. Funny thing is, when this couch was in Jersey I used to always sit in this exact spot.

Gong Gong was so good with James. He would disappear with him and show him the sprinklers and walk around the backyard, and come back with him sleeping soundly.

The babies asleep at the Chinese restaurant

Hanging out in the backyard

LOL he looks so pudgy here

What a cutie pie

Pao Pao tending the vegetable garden

After playing with the sprinklers


Lao Nie Nie rocked him to sleep

Hanging out in the stroller at the park

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