Sunday, February 1, 2015

Week 17 - My hand is tasty

Nathan is showing real signs of teething now. He's sucking on his hand a lot. It's so loud that sometimes I get woken up by the sound of it. He also started rotating while he's sleeping, so we had to put him lengthwise in the pack n' play to give him more room to move. It's been a very busy and contemplative week. I scheduled several work meetings in anticipation of our going to Phoenix next week. I want to be able to spend as much time with family as possible and not bring much work with me. We also attended the memorial service of our pastor and friend David. It was a beautiful celebration of his life but we do miss him dearly.  

Is he making a heart with his hands?

LOL - how does he sleep like this?

He looks so serious. I like how he's wearing the same shirt in all three photos but they were taken on different days this week. We're buying him more clothes, haha.

Nathan's got such strong legs, always kicking!

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