Sunday, January 25, 2015

Week 16 - Roll me over!

Nathan is getting close to rolling over, it should be any day now! He does this weird head twist, but only to his right side. Almost like he's trying to spin his head backwards. We're so nervous that he's going to hurt himself doing that. We're not sure if that's him trying to rollover or if he's just showing his dissatisfaction. When I placed him on his belly he did roll onto his back a couple of times but haven't seen it again since. 

He can play toys using both hands at once now and will actually look at the toy he's playing with. We started putting him in a seated position propped up against a pillow or cushion behind him. I think he enjoys being able to see things better that way. But of course, he starts sliding down or sideways after awhile. He's also sucking his fist more, maybe he's starting to teeth?

Eating his fist - he makes it look and sound so tasty. I can't leave him in the frog chair by himself anymore. Sometimes he kicks so hard or tries to roll over and almost falls out of the chair - in a matter of seconds! 
Nathan loves bath time now. He likes to kick the water and splash Jackson, haha.

Tummy time! He's able to hold up his head much higher now.

Talking to himself

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