Sunday, January 18, 2015

Week 15 - Trying out the crib

Nathan's itchiness got worse this week, potentially due to the 2 nights of hot pot that we had over the weekend. Who knows what's in all those fish and pork balls? It's probably not very healthy for me either! I tried having a bit of dairy this week but decided to drop seafood and dairy for now and stick with eggs since that seems to be okay.

His sleep schedule is all over the place. Most days I think he's not napping enough, so he's fussy all afternoon and evening and starts falling asleep at 6pm. Occasionally the lack of naps catches up to him and he's so tired that he naps until 6pm and can't sleep well at night. Sometimes he's so itchy and uncomfortable that I feel bad and let him sleep in the bed with me, but then I don't sleep as well. It's a dilemma. The magic sleepsuit is not magical enough to get him to stay asleep, but it has helped a lot with him falling asleep on his own after a few minutes of fussing. Hopefully he'll get into more of a routine as he gets older.

When he's happy, he is really playful and responsive. One of our favorite activities together is Disney sing along. I sing along (or attempt to with the few words that I know) and sway to the songs, and occasionally move his legs or arms to the beat and he loves it. I'm looking forward to watching animated movies with him and actually singing and dancing together!

This is his favorite position to be held now, he doesn't really like being held sideways anymore.

I tried having him nap in the crib a couple of times to get him used to it. He looks so small in the big crib.

Playing with the swaddle blanket is his favorite new thing. His hands and fingers are much more nimble now. He likes to take the blanket with both hands and hold it up in front of his face like he's playing peek-a-boo.

Nathan is enjoying his play mat more now that he wants to touch the toys and move around.

Prominent bald spot.

This is the first time that Nathan actually looked at the book while we're reading to him. In the past, he would be looking everywhere but the book. It's amazing how much more alert and responsive he is now. So fun!

My first outing without Jackson or Nathan. I went to lunch with a girlfriend at one of my favorite cafe's. It was so nice to be out and not have to check on Nathan every few minutes in between sentences and bites.

Sigh, cappuccino, how I've missed you.

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