Sunday, January 11, 2015

Week 14 - Social butterfly

This week I took Nathan to his 3-month doctor visit by myself! He is now 24" long and weighs 13 pounds and 1 ounce. The pediatrician said his skin looks much better and we can continue re-introducing a new food group each week. I started eating seafood this week because we're having people over for hotpot on Saturday and hotpot with no fish balls is no fun :) 

We resumed our Wednesday night Bible study this week at our house. It was a bit of a rush after 6pm to bathe Nathan, make dinner, eat, and put him to bed, BUT we were able to manage and had a successful meeting with no interruptions. It's great to be able to see him on my phone when we're downstairs with guests. Once he's asleep for the night, he's usually pretty quiet until 1 AM so that makes it easier for us to have people over in the evening.

I've never been so excited to get a package in the mail, I checked the USPS tracking status every couple of hours to see where the Magic Sleepsuit was. I put it in the wash as soon as I got it so he can wear it to take a nap. It actually did work like magic - he napped for almost 3 hours straight. I think he was so happy to finally be able to take a good nap that he just kept sleeping. We'll try it out and see if it helps him sleep for longer periods during the night.

I also noticed that Nathan's hand eye coordination has improved significantly. He's actually opening his hands and grabbing toys purposely instead of just hitting them accidentally with his arm.

This outfit is so cute, I love how it shows off his chubby arms. I was afraid he'd get too warm in the Magic Sleepsuit so I put him in short sleeves.
Best nap in a long time in his "fat suit" as Jackson calls it. The thickness of the suit helps mute his movements so he can fall asleep more easily.
His developing bald hairline.
We had our Redeemer friends over for the annual hot pot party. Nathan was the life of the party, at least with the ladies. Everyone wanted to hold him, so I took it easy! He was really social and engaging even though there were so many new faces. I hope he continues to like being around people.

So sweet. Our friend Annie LOVES babies. I jokingly asked if she wanted to change his diaper, and she looks at me with huge eyes and goes, "Can I?!" She usually eats the most out of everyone at our gatherings but we couldn't get her off the couch because she just wanted to hold Nathan. If only she lived closer to us....

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