Sunday, December 7, 2014

Week 9 - Another Wardrobe Change

This week Nathan turned 2 months old, and we had to start putting him in 3-6 month clothes because he literally could not straighten his legs in the one piece outfits. His tear ducts also started working which makes it even harder for us to see him cry because his eyes and eyelashes would get all watery. I took Nathan to his grandparents' for the first time on my own. It takes me an hour and a half to get both of us ready in the morning and out the door. I'm so thankful that we have family close by who are willing to watch Nathan. I would much rather have him get undivided attention when I have to do other things, rather than having me distracted and just doing the bare minimum to keep him quiet.

It's interesting for me to experience what it's like to be a working mom on some days and a stay at home mom on others. Neither is easy, that's for sure. I had my first client meeting this week after a two month maternity leave. I miss Nathan when I'm not with him, but it's also really nice to have a few hours to myself to do what I want without being interrupted. I have a hard time prioritizing what I want to accomplish during those few hours because the list is so long :)

Nathan is sleeping for longer stretches during the night so I only have to wake up twice to feed him. I'm also slowly seeing some nap patterns during the day. He doesn't really like napping in the morning, but can nap for a long time in the afternoon, so long sometimes that I have to wake him up at 6:00pm!    

Nathan the ladies man! This is probably the most attention you'll get in your lifetime so enjoy it buddy :)

This is what 0-3 month clothes look like on him. Remember those days when it was cool to wear your jeans so low that your underwear shows? Well, this is the baby version :)

Ahhhhh.... I finally have the big people bed all to myself

Cute face

Sleeping snugly in his pack n play

Nathan wearing 3-6 month outfit - it's a tad bit long for him

Smiling for Daddy

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the picture of him in your bed!!! It's hilarious!
