Sunday, December 14, 2014

Week 10 - Itchy

This week must have been extra tiring because I don't have a lot of photos to choose from. Even though Nathan slept 7 hours straight for the first time, I was lying in bed wide awake thinking when he was going to wake up. I never thought I would have to re-learn how to sleep after my body has been conditioned by months of sleeping 1-2 hours at a time. He has been alternating between sleeping well one night and not the next, so I found myself in a daze or not remembering things during the day a lot.

We found out that Nathan's rubbing his face / eyes / ears all the time is due to itchiness and eczema. I guess it was because of his itchiness that he hasn't wanted to play very much and became fussy easily when he's awake. The pediatrician thought it was so bad on his face that she prescribed a steroid cream to help him feel better. She also gave him a shot on each thigh - Nathan was really brave and didn't even make a sound during one of them. Jackson says it's the chubbiness protecting him from pain. The doctor thinks the eczema is due to my diet and told me to not eat a list of things for two weeks to see if his skin improves. At the check-up Nathan weighed 11 pounds 14 ounces and was 23 inches long.

On Sunday the pastor talked about God coming into this world as a baby. I could never fully appreciate thinking about Jesus as a baby, but now that I have Nathan, I find it amazing to see firsthand what Jesus probably went through as a baby. He's so precious and vulnerable, completely dependent on his parents to keep him safe and alive. And that's how Jesus was - but He's God! I can't even imagine what Mary and Joseph thought every time they held Jesus or see him smile. Did they realize they're holding / looking at God?! Blows my mind.

He always looks so bored during tummy time

Naked after a diaper explosion. Jackson said he's going to show these photos in his wedding slideshow as payback

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