Sunday, November 30, 2014

Week 8 - First Thanksgiving

This is officially the first week of taking care of Nathan on my own during the day. Jackson went into the office for only one day due to the Thanksgiving holiday so it's a good way to ease into my new schedule. Surprisingly, I found that when I'm on my own with Nathan, I am more efficient with my time. I was actually able to do work, laundry and prepare dinner in the afternoon!

I downloaded an app that has been really helpful in tracking Nathan's daily routines. I now have a better understanding of his sleep / eat patterns so I can schedule things around them. I also don't have to remember when I last changed his diaper or fed him.

He recently started to rub his hands / fingers all over his face, eyes, ears and fussing. Not sure if this is how babies start learning to use their hands or if he's showing early signs of teething. When he's sleeping he'll often wake himself up by smacking himself in the face, so now he's getting swaddled again to help him stay asleep. Nathan has a very strong grip - it's so difficult to open his hands when he has them clenched. He's also more engaging now - he'll look back at me when I hold him and he'll smile / baby talk sometimes.

Having a conversation with pao pao

We'll miss you pao pao! See you on Facetime!

Surprise visit from our friends from California

Thanksgiving with grandma and grandpa

Not working very hard during tummy time

Yes! I'm eight weeks old!

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