Sunday, December 28, 2014

Week 12 - First Christmas

Nathan is growing up so fast. This week we started using Size 2 diapers for him because we end up changing him up to 4 times a day from leaking diapers. He's also discovered that he can put his fist in his mouth. We brought him to church for the first time. He was pretty quiet during the service, but I stayed with him in a side room just in case. Because the nursery does not have a dedicated worker, it would be a bit silly for me to go to church just to sit in the nursery with him, so I'm trying to attend the service if he's not disruptive.

We have been so blessed with gifts for Nathan this Christmas. Family, friends and even my clients gave him clothes, toys, and books. Seriously this boy's clothes are taking over my closet space! I'm partially excited for him to grow up so we can start playing with the fun toys together. Partially because I know I'll miss having him as a baby.

This is the second week of my special diet. Nathan's skin is looking much better overall, although some days / times of the day his face would be more red and itchy. It's been so difficult not eating desserts during the holiday meals, but one good thing from this special diet is that I'm now almost back to my pre-pregnancy weight. I just have to start doing some cardio / ab work to get toned and hopefully I'll be able to wear my old pants again!

One of the few successful tummy times.

Christmas party at Mike's parents' house. Hot pot is not the same when you can't eat the fish balls. But it was a really fun gathering with great conversations. I like taking Nathan to people's houses more than restaurants - it's much more relaxed and we're able to just hang out. Plus other people will volunteer to watch him and hold him :)

Playing with Christmas gifts from pao pao!

Christmas at the Wan parents'
Happy grandparents! Maybe I should have bought a festive outfit for Nathan for Christmas, I see so many babies with holiday outfits on Facebook. But maybe I'm just too practical - they'll only wear it once?

Another new wardrobe!

"My fingers fit in my mouth!"
Getting ready to go out for lunch
I don't know how his eyelashes are so long. Neither of his parents have long eyelashes. I hope they last!
Sleeping so soundly in the car that even after I took off the seat belts he's still asleep!
Jackson likes to put him in our bed for naps.

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