Sunday, December 21, 2014

Week 11 - Happy baby

Nathan was really itchy and congested for a few days this week, but he still tries to be happy even when he's so uncomfortable. It's adorable to see him playing with us by smiling and cooing, especially when we're trying to put him to bed for the night. It's like he's trying to distract us from the goal by playing cute! He's able to fall asleep on his own if we swaddle him. Although it does take a few times of re-swaddling before he falls asleep because he'll fight it for several minutes. Sometimes I feel like I'm playing the "Let's see how quickly I can get out of your swaddle game" and Nathan wins most of the time. I don't know how babies learn to squirm like that to get out of the tightest swaddles!

I love having a baby cam so we can be anywhere in the house and still see if he's sleeping. Occasionally I'll catch him smiling at the baby cam, it's so cute. I think Nathan is going to have a great sense of humor. Every time he poops or pees or spits up all over himself, he laughs as if it's the funniest thing in the world.

This is the first week of my special diet as advised by the pediatrician. I haven't had dairy, soy, eggs, seafood, or nuts. It's crazy how much that limits what I can eat. It's especially sad because on my birthday I couldn't even have cake, so I went out and got a bag of chips instead :) Plus it's the holidays coming up and I pretty much can't have any dessert. I guess it's a healthy diet. We've been lathering Nathan with coconut oil and Aquaphor, and bathing him every night. We're praying that his skin will be much improved after a couple of weeks and that this eczema will be gone very soon! I miss his natural baby smell, he just smells like coconut all day long, haha.

We let Nathan nap in our bed in the morning if we want to sleep for a couple more hours

"I love sleeping in big people bed...."

Showing off his muscles

His hands are still almost always in fists

Some of our friends at the church Christmas party

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