Sunday, January 4, 2015

Week 13 - Flailing arms

This week I started adding eggs back into my diet. Just in time for our New Year's Eve brunch for dinner, haha. We had a very quiet New Year's Eve with just the three of us at home. After Nathan fell asleep, we played Super Mario World 3D on the Wii. It was a gift to ourselves so we can play together after Nathan goes to bed. Sadly video games take so much more skill now that I stink even at Super Mario World. But it's fun and entertaining on the rare occasion that I can actually stay awake past 10pm.

Nathan's skin has improved a lot over the past few weeks. But strangely he's still flailing his arms in the air / hitting himself on the head / rubbing his ears and eyes while he's trying to fall asleep and when he's semi-awake in the middle of the night. He's getting too strong for the swaddle so if he's worked up, there's no way of even attempting to swaddle him. I've been giving up at 3am and just letting him sleep in the bed next to me because it's so exhausting getting back up to re-swaddle him. We've decided to buy a couple of swaddle alternatives out there to try and see if it helps minimize his arm movements without holding his arms down.

I'm noticing clumps of hair everywhere Nathan's head touches. He's kept his baby hair for so long that I thought perhaps he won't lose it, but alas, it is time. It's so funny, he's got patches of bald spots all over his head.

Shino and Antony visiting from Philly. Nathan couldn't fall asleep unless someone was holding him, so we made our guests do the hard work :) 

He's really comfortable.....

Purposely hitting the hanging toy with his fist for the first time! He stared really hard at his hand and then at the toy and went for it. It was interesting to see him process and slowly figure it out.

I've been holding him like that facing the mirror to show him what he looks like. He smiles sometimes but I'm not sure what he's thinking.

This is the velcro swaddle that we wrap him in when he's sleeping to hold his arms down. It's so cute when he starts to break out of it - you see his tiny little fingers poking out from the top. That's when you know you have 30 seconds before his arms go flailing again.

Tina visiting us on New Year's Eve day. It was great catching up and going out to lunch together. My first time taking Nathan out for lunch without Jackson.

His legs are so strong now, when he kicks in his chair, he starts sliding down until he's like this...

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