Sunday, November 23, 2014

Week 7 - Transition

This is the last week that we had pao pao's help. We requested our favorite dishes and pao pao spent the week getting the house in order before she left. She also cleaned out Nathan's nose every morning (with the nose aspirator that I have been unsuccessful with) and brought our dying plants back to life. Jackson took a day off and we went to see Interstellar since it's so much easier to do things like that while my mom is still here.

Jackson and I are more comfortable bathing Nathan now but it's still a two-person job for us :) We're also trying to figure out his sleep routine. During the night he can sometimes go 4 hours without having to eat again, but after 5am he tends to get fussy and I just end up letting him sleep on me until the morning so I can maximize my sleep. It's funny how we find ways to improvise with a baby around so that we can still get what we want done. (As I'm typing this Nathan is sleeping on me) He is starting to make a few baby talk sounds - I'm looking forward to having a conversation with him soon!

We had the Wednesday night Bible study group over for hot pot

Our friends Christina and Jonas practicing in preparation for their second baby! Nathan was awesome and slept for the entire time while we ate.

I took the moos out for a mother daughter date to thank her for all of her help. This is after our massage (yes I took the opportunity to get a massage myself - after all, I did just carry a baby for 9 months and give birth!) It was so relaxing and restful. I think I'll have to come back in the future. 

After the massage we went to lunch at a really cute cafe that served sandwiches and soup. Needless to say most of the patrons were women. The place was packed. The food was very good and of course I over-ordered because I wanted to try everything.

While my mom and I were out, Nathan was at his grandparents' house for the first time. It was a good practice run for the future when I have to drop him off once I officially start working. I have the most trouble with carrying the car seat. 

Thanks grandma and grandpa for watching Nathan! Of course he behaved perfectly and slept most of the time. I guess he saves his fussy side for when he's at home.

All clean! His expressions during bath time are so funny and I think he's still scared in the water because he clenches his fists so tightly.

Happy baby! 

Sleeping soundly after a full meal. I can watch him sleep for hours if I had nothing else to do ....

This is up there on the top 10 list of pao pao's most ingenious ideas. I came downstairs one morning and heard her in the kitchen cleaning. I didn't see Nathan in his usual spot on the couch and I thought, how is she able to clean and hold Nathan at the same time? Then I saw this.....

Playing by himself after bath time. He really is a very easygoing baby most of the time. Even if he does get upset, as long as someone picks him up, he generally calms down right away.

1 comment:

  1. um......YOUR MOM IS HILARIOUS!!!!!! love this! love nathan!
