Sunday, November 16, 2014

Week 6 - Red, white and yellow

For the first couple of weeks, Nathan had beautiful clear skin. Then he started getting red bumps all over his face and neck, which the pediatrician said is baby acne (I had no idea babies get acne). When he's asleep and calm, it doesn't look too bad, but when he is upset, his entire face is so red! This week he's got cradle cap and peeling dry skin in addition to the acne, so his face is now very colorful.

At his regular pediatrician check up this week, Nathan weighed 10 pounds 2 ounces and is 22 inches long! He sure is growing fast. We've noticed that he can follow our faces with his eyes now and the pediatrician said he should start to smile soon. Most of his smiles are still sleep smiles but we caught a couple of rare smiles when he's actually awake. Now that we know he doesn't have any problem gaining weight, I'm perfectly fine with letting him sleep as long as he wants at night. Instead of needing to eat every 2 hours, he's slowly transitioning to every 3 hours, which has been great for me!

I love this - father son bonding early in the morning

Dad on baby duty while mom and pao pao went to church - baby looks so snug and comfy

Look at those cute rolls of baby fat! Jackson got what he asked for! 

He's got so much clothes that I feel compelled to change him just so he can wear everything! We've been really blessed with an abundance of unexpected gifts.

Pao pao having a conversation with Nathan

Kicking up a storm on the activity mat
Quietly hanging out in his frog chair

We don't usually have such fancy food at home (steamed fresh fish) - I'm really going to miss having my mom's cooking, and our girl time reminiscing about the past and watching Korean drama together after dinner. This week I also had more time to watch and learn a couple of dishes from her (per Jackson's request).
Such a great sleeper in his car seat

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