Sunday, November 9, 2014

Week 5 - Done with being a newborn

I can't believe Nathan turned one month old this past week! He has officially outgrown the newborn clothes and diapers. He's got cute chipmunk cheeks, a triple chin, and chubby rolls all over his arms and legs. The time is flying by so quickly. I almost wish I can stop the clock so he would stay a baby forever. Towards the end of this week, Nathan started making these loud snorting sounds. We were concerned that it might be coming from his throat, but the doctor said it's just nasal congestion and that he probably caught a slight cold. Thank God it's nothing serious and should clear up in a few days. He's a trooper and is still eating and sleeping well despite the congestion.

This week I started working a few hours a week to slowly add my old routines back into my new life with Nathan. I also ate a spicy tuna roll for the first time in 10 months. As we sat eating at the Japanese restaurant with Nathan in his car seat sleeping soundly, I couldn't believe that just a month ago we were at that same restaurant eating dinner while I was in labor when I had no idea what Nathan looked like. Now I can't imagine not seeing his cute little face everyday. We've been taking him out with us to eat once a week and he's been so good - just slept the whole time. Pao pao says that he gives us "mien zi" which literally means "face" so we haven't had to rush out in embarrassment with a crying baby during our meal.

Jackson couldn't resist taking a picture of this cute butt.

Quality time with daddy

We had a really warm day this week in the 60s, so we decided to go out for our first walk in the stroller that his grandparents got him! So comfy.

At the end of our walk - clearly Nathan liked it.

Look how big he is now compared with the 2-week photo below!

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