Sunday, November 2, 2014

Week 4 - Hold me

Up until this week, we thought we were given a miracle baby who never cried - you know, those high pitched infant cries that keep going and makes it sound like he's being tortured (even though you're just changing his diaper). For some reason, Nathan figured out how to use his lungs to cry this week. I guess it had to happen sometime. Thank God it's still not too often but when he's hungry or when he wants to be held, he knows how to get our attention. He used to be able to sleep on his own if we just put him down, but he's starting to realize that having someone hold him while he sleeps is so much better. Of course pao pao is happy to oblige :)

I had a lactation consultant come to the house this week. It was a really great learning experience. She brought a scale that can measure a tenth of an ounce so she can figure out how much the baby is eating during a feeding. Apparently he can drink up to 4 ounces of milk in one feeding! No wonder he's getting so much heavier and longer - I can barely hold him comfortably now with one arm. His weight is 8 pounds 6 ounces. The LC said that he seems much older than 3 weeks because of how alert he is and his neck strength. She also told me to be prepared for a fast growing baby based on the way he's eating!

Bath time! This is one of my favorite expressions.
Since he's much more alert during the daytime, we decided to set up the play mat so he can look at the different colors. 
Our first date night since Nathan was born - we went out to a Japanese BBQ restaurant in the city to celebrate Jackson's birthday. It was really nice to have some time to ourselves but I found myself thinking about Nathan more than I thought I would :)
Failed attempt at tummy time - he just wanted to chill out on the pillow.

He is quite entertained by the musical octopus, but the songs are too short. It should really come with a remote so we can play the songs from across the room. 

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