Sunday, October 26, 2014

Week 3 - Feed me more

Nathan must be going through a growth spurt this week because he went from feeding every 3 hours to every 2 hours. I naively thought that I would have a lot of time on my hands with an infant because he just sleeps most of the day. In reality, I calculated that I probably spend 5-6 hours a day just feeding Nathan (that sounds crazy to me). My standard for a productive day has been lowered to the bare minimum - one task per day, like going to CVS. On the other hand, I've never been so caught up on everyone's Facebook posts since I need something to do during those late night feedings.

We went to get a couple of tests done for Nathan at the hospital this week. The doctors saw something in his kidney when I was pregnant so they want to make sure that everything is okay now that he's born. One of the tests required that he get catheterized so they can get some X-rays of how his kidneys are working. I really didn't want him to get this done because it's invasive and he's so tiny, but thank God everything went smoothly. He was super brave and didn't cry at all during the entire test even though he was uncomfortable. I'm glad that Jackson and I could both be there with him, wearing these heavy radiation suits and holding Nathan's hands the whole time. It was such a relief to hear the doctor say that everything looked fine and he can stop taking antibiotics. Praise the Lord!

We were sad that this was our last dinner with the Whiddons before their move to Pittsburgh, but we're so happy that they're following God's calling for their family and we'll always have Facetime together!

'Qing qing' from cousin John Mark

The boys with their boys

Family photo - so sweet

LOL - I love that JM blows out the candle no matter whose birthday it is!

Hanging out after his first bath with pao pao (I'm nervous about having to give him a bath)
This makes all the hard work worth it - holding him and watching him sleep (and occasionally catching a smile)

At Gerald and Maria's wedding - thanks mom for watching Nathan so we could attend!
Strong neck - he could lift up his head from week 1!

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