Monday, February 8, 2016

16 Months - Guh!

So "guh" has now come to mean "I want to watch YouTube videos on the phone". He would go into Jackson's room to look for the phone and then sit quietly to watch random videos of people opening surprise eggs or cutting plastic fruits and vegetables. I don't quite understand the obsession but it got to the point where he would throw temper tantrums and kick and scream and throw his head back if we don't give him the phone or take it away before he's ready. It's a good thing that he doesn't associate the phone with me so he won't ask for it when he's with me. But sometimes Jackson has to hide from him because he starts crying for guh when he sees him. 

Another breakthrough as Nathan got close to 16 months - he took a couple of steps on his own with no assistance! 

His bed hair is so funny.

He loves piggy back rides with Daddy.

Took him outside during the huge winter storm, but he wasn't impressed. 

Do I have something on my head? Why does Daddy play tricks on me? 

Happy Chinese New Year! 

Cute face.

This is Daddy's way of getting Nathan to cuddle with him. 

To give Nathan an incentive to walk, I put Cheerios around the couch and window seat so he has to walk to eat them. That's the only way I could get him to voluntarily walk for more than a few seconds. I think he started enjoying it because he would go to the couch and pat the surface telling me that he wants to play the Cheerios game.

This is an improvement on his control of the walker.

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