Monday, January 4, 2016

15 Months - First Play Date Outing

At Nathan's 15 month well visit, he weighed 19 pounds, 9 ounces and was 30.5 inches tall. He used to be very mellow and easy going at the doctor's office, but he really did not like being there this time. It didn't help that we had to wait for 40 minutes before the doctor saw us, and by then, he was NOT interested in getting examined. We've been waiting patiently for Nathan to start walking when he's ready, although he still seems perfectly content crawling his way around. A huge breakthrough happened one night when he just decided to walk by pushing the walker instead of pushing it by crawling.

Ball pit at the World of Wings. It has a nice play area for toddlers. Our friend and her two kids invited us along on a play date.

Josiah is such a sweet guh-guh with Nathan.

Nathan liked climbing onto this play house

He was very happy to see all the boxes of Cheerios in the cereal aisle! 

Enjoying the warm December weather

What a great life

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