Sunday, July 5, 2015

Weeks 37 to 39 - Nine months and on the move!

We've been waiting for Nathan to figure out how to crawl. He's gotten so close and even in position but then just plops back down on his belly. The week before he turned 9 months we were FaceTiming with Pao Pao and I was telling her that he hasn't quite figured out how to move his knees forward. Just as I was saying it, he took one small "step" forward with his knee! Once he figured it out he very quickly became more and more comfortable with it. It was so fun to put things a few feet away or sit with my arms out and watch him crawl towards what he wants. He's finally able to express his interest in things by moving, but of course, we now have to watch him like a hawk too!

At his 9 month doctor visit, his height was 27.5 inches and weight was 16 pounds 10.5 ounces. He didn't gain much weight since the 8 month visit so I have to make sure he eats more! The past couple weeks I've been on medication for thyroid again so every time I take the medication I have to wait at least 3 hours before feeding him so that's probably part of the reason he did not gain much weight. He also just didn't eat very well in general this past month. Recently I decided that I couldn't just keep waking up twice every night to feed him especially since he would get up sometimes before 6AM. I needed to take better care of my own health and that starts with getting a good night sleep. So the first time he woke up at night I wouldn't feed him. It was so hard the first couple of nights. He would just cry and cry for almost an hour until he would tire himself out. Then if he woke up a second time later in the night I would feed him since I didn't want him to go hungry if he in fact was hungry. Hopefully this will help him to sleep for longer periods during the night and eat better during the day.

At our annual Redeemer fellowship BBQ - Nathan was of course at the center of attention among the ladies. 
Just chillin with our friends.

Came out blurry but I love his laugh
Celebrating Father's Day at Minado

Surrounded by pillows for extra protection. At this point in time he still occasionally loses balance and falls over. The thud of his head hitting the mat sounds bad but it doesn't bother him usually.

Sweet face when he wakes up in the middle of the night. It's so hard to say "no" to him and put him back in the crib crying.

Sleep experts say you shouldn't let them fall asleep on you, but I don't care. I love having him sleep on me sometimes.
Putting my favorite shirt over his head when I realized that he looked so cute with it on his head.
One of the first few days of crawling!

"Helping" daddy

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