Monday, July 27, 2015

Family Reunion in PA

Another awesome weekend together with the Chen family! I can't believe this year the number of kids have caught up to the adults! Soon we'll be outnumbered by the little ones :) Amazingly though, I feel like the kids got along really well and were well behaved so it didn't feel like eight kids ages 4 and under. This year there were some bumps in the logistics but God showed us favor and grace and still allowed us to have quality time together as a family. He showed me that even if circumstances are not what we expected or "ideal", we can still make the best of it and be thankful. The kids taught me that. They had a blast playing in a crammed hotel room and outside in the parking lot! It's so cute to watch Nathan trying to interact with the other kids. He seemed to really like James and will go up to him and pat him. His sleep schedule was all over the place this weekend - we let him stay up until 10pm since everyone was up! Nathan also recently started to put him arms up when he knows we are going to pick him up. I love that he's so responsive and interactive now!

Sof reading to the boys

Hanging out by the grill

We took over the parking lot

We had skateboards, scooters and bike! 

"Look mommy, no hands!"

Doing "tricks" on the scooter

Sitting on grass for the first time

Early birthday celebration

Enjoying cupcakes while chatting with fun Uncle Jackson

Love her chubby cheeks, so cute!!

Look at that form!

We probably took 30 photos in a span of seconds and this was probably the best one we could get

He was so calm in the water, like it was no big deal

It's so fun to see the cousins play together in the pool

Selfies with Uncle Jackson

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