Monday, October 6, 2014

Welcome to the world baby Nathan!

We are so thrilled to have Nathan Thomas Wan with us ten days before his due date! Nathan (which means "He gave" in Hebrew) was born on Saturday, October 4th at 1:10 AM after a smooth and quick delivery. Praise God - His grace is sufficient for us. Nathan was born 7 pounds 4 ounces and 20 inches. He was super quiet and peaceful during our hospital stay and slept most of the time.

Mommy with Nathan at 1 hour after birth

Sof is so excited to be an aunt (ah-yi)!
Proud parents and grandparents
Nathan with Uncle Jeff

We totally did not put him in the car seat correctly, it looks so uncomfortable. Nathan was really good and didn't make a sound even though we were tugging and pulling on his arms and legs to get him strapped in. And we're ready to head home with our new addition to the family! 
Life will never be the same again :)

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